Top 10 Best VSCode Extension for  Developers.

Top 10 Best VSCode Extension for Developers.


2 min read

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is one of the most popular code editors used by developers today. It is lightweight, fast, and comes with a plethora of features that make coding easier and more enjoyable. One of the best things about VSCode is the ability to extend its functionality through the use of extensions.

In this blog, we will discuss the 10 best VSCode extensions that can help you be more productive and efficient in your coding workflow.

ESLint: This extension integrates the popular linter, ESLint, into VSCode, helping you to catch potential errors and improve your code quality.

Prettier: This extension formats your code automatically, ensuring that your code is consistently formatted and easy to read.

Material Icon Theme: This extension adds beautiful icons to your VSCode, making it easier to navigate and locate your files.

GitLens: This extension provides Git integration within VSCode, making it easy to view Git blame annotations, view Git history, and compare branches.

Visual Studio IntelliCode: This extension provides AI-assisted code completions based on commonly used code patterns in your specific programming language.

Debugger for Chrome: This extension allows you to debug JavaScript code directly in VSCode, making it easier to troubleshoot and debug your code.

Live Server: This extension allows you to quickly run a local development server, making it easier to test your code and preview changes in real-time.

Code Spell Checker: This extension checks your code for spelling errors and suggests corrections, helping you to maintain high-quality code.

Path IntelliSense: This extension provides autocompletion for file paths in your code, making it easier to reference files and reduce the likelihood of errors.

Auto Close Tag: This extension automatically closes HTML tags, saving you time and reducing the risk of syntax errors.

In conclusion, these are some of the best VSCode extensions that can help you be more productive and efficient in your coding workflow. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, these extensions can help you write better code and improve your overall coding experience.